Sunday 13 March 2016

Submission of Dissertation Report of MTech. MBA, MCA and MArch, students follows the following steps for academic years 2014 and onwards.

First the student has to submit a softcopy of the application to his/her respective guides so that the guide approves the desertion. Guide checks for any errors and completeness then they submit it for upload process of university portal, where the student details and other details are also uploaded, External examiners are also assigned to each student in this step.
The project document will be automatically sent to plagiarism check automatically as per the vtu rules an anti-plagiarism committee handles all these processes. The anti-plagiarism committee generates a report which will not be approved if the plagiarism fails i.e. more than 25%. The accepted report will be then sent to respective college and student. The system randomly selects the external guides, then the respective external examiners receives the thesis. After this the marks should be uploaded to the university portal within 15days of submission f desertion.
After the marks has been uploaded the dates for the viva voice will be sent to the college and respective guide and external examiners. Then viva voice and final marks has to be uploaded to the respective guides.
If the desertion is rejected by the vtu for the first time the candidate has to pay the penal fee of 2000 rs and re submission of the thesis and for the second time student has to pay 4000 rs and resubmit the thesis If failed for third time also then the student has to wait for one more year !!!. Thank you
Here is the official Notification of Workflow for VTU for MTECH, MBA, MArch and MCA Courses.

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